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第十一章 护花使者

爱在大不列颠 经常语馨 3403 2019-12-09 22:51:52

  “Is he all right?”(他一切都好吗?)婧芝不安地询问身旁的英国人。她听到自己说话的声音,发现这声音沙哑得厉害,因为惊吓,也因为口渴。

  “Yes, pretty well. Don’t be nervous. He just went to the pub last night and stayed there all long. He’s too tired to faint. Now, he’s up there drinking a cup of coffee.”(是的,他很好。别紧张。他只是昨天晚上一直呆在酒吧里。他太累才晕倒了。现在,他在那里喝咖啡呢。)


  “You look terrible. Where are you going next?”(你看起来很糟糕,接下来你要去哪里?)英国人有些不安地问。

  “I’m fine.”(我很好。)婧芝小声回覆,“Thank you.”(谢谢你。)


  “I’m afraid I have to leave and catch that train.”(我想我不得不离开去赶那列火车。)说着,婧芝起身,准备离开。

  “Aha, the same train. I’ll go with you.”(啊哈,同一辆火车。我跟你一起走。)英国人微笑着说。

  婧芝的心跳加速,战战兢兢站起身。英国人准备搀扶她,见她自己行动还算利索,只说了一句:“Let’s move.”(我们走吧。)



  “You look better now.”(你看起来许多几何了。)英国人叹息说。

  “Thank you.”(谢谢你。)婧芝带着谢谢之情回覆。

  “Actually, you saved his life, you know.”(事实上,你救了他的性命,你知道吗。)英国人很是严肃地说,“He fell down suddenly. Without your body sustaining him, his head will hit the ground seriously. So, you made great merit. You should be proud of that.”(他突然倒下来。没有你的身体支撑他,他的脑袋会狠狠撞击地面。所以说,你积了大好事。你应该感应骄傲才对。)

  “I don’t know. I was scared at first. Realizing he’s all right makes me happy.”(我不知道。一开始我吓坏了。发现他没事让我很兴奋。)

  “Great! Now, you may enjoy the view outside the window freely.”(太好了!现在,你可以自由欣赏窗外的景色。)

  “Thank goodness.”(谢天谢地。)婧芝叹息着,“Sorry, I haven’t got your name. My given name’s Jingzhi, and surname’s Chen.”(歉仄,我还不知道你的名字。我的名字是婧芝,姓陈。)

  “A very beautiful Chinese young lady, intelligent and kind, to me, that’s all you are. The name is not the point.”(一个很是漂亮的中国年轻女性,智慧善良,对我来说,那就是你了。姓名并没有那么重要。)英国人微笑着说,“My name’s Chris Brown. Very nice to meet you here on this old-fashioned British train.”(我的名字是Chris Brown,很是兴奋在这辆老旧的英国火车上认识你。)

  他那个“old-fashioned British train”加重了语气,表强调,挖苦的意味明显。

  “Nice to meet you, too.”(我也很兴奋认识你。)婧芝莞尔一笑。

  “Hi.”(你好。)婧芝听到身后有人跟她打招呼,连忙转身,“Thank you, for saving my life.”(谢谢你救了我一命。)


  婧芝眼前一亮,脱口而出:“You’re welcome.”

  那小伙子递过来一杯红茶,温柔地说:“This is for you, my lady.”(这是给你的,我的女士。)

  “Thank you.”(谢谢你。)婧芝接过红茶,“Is that British red tea?”(这是英国红茶吗?)

  “Definitely.”(虽然。)那人憨憨地笑了,“I bought it on the train. It tastes very good. You may have a try.”(我是在火车上买的。味道很是好。你可以试一下。)说着,他看了Chris一眼,略显尴尬地说,“Sorry, I don’t know you’ve got a friend with you, just bring one cup.”(歉仄,我不知道你有朋友一起,只拿了一杯过来。)

  “I’m OK.”(我很好。)Chris插话说,“We just met on another train this morning.”(我们今天早上在另一辆火车上遇到的。)他看一下表,又添了一句,“one hour before.”(一个小时之前。)

  “You’re very lucky.”(那你真是幸运。)小伙子伸脱手,正式自我介绍,“I’m Leo Jones,from London.”(我是Leo Jones,来自伦敦。)


  “Hi, Leo, I’m Jingzhi Chen, from China.”(你好,Leo,我是陈婧芝,来自中国。)

  “China, so far away.”(中国,好遥远。)Leo叹息说。


  “I’ve only been there once, playing basketball.”(我只去过一次,打篮球。)说着,Leo做出投篮的行动,“I’m a basketball player, a very good one. Two years before, we had a match in Beijing and stayed there for one week.”(我是一个打篮球的运发动,很是好的一个。两年前,我们在BJ有角逐,在那里呆过一个星期。)

  “How’s your trip in Beijing?”(你在BJ的旅行怎么样?)

  “Very good. We won the match, and went to the Great Wall.”(很是好。我们赢了角逐,还去了长城。)Leo狡黠地笑着说,“I like Chinese tea, by the way.”(我很喜欢中国的茶,顺便说一下。)

  “Me too.”(我也是。)Chris微笑着增补了一句。

  “Me too. And I also like British tea.”(我也是。而且我也喜欢英国茶。)


  “Here is my email address.”(这是我的邮件地址。)Leo递给婧芝一张纸片,上面写着一个邮件地址,“I always travel around the world, it’s very hard to say where I am going to be. If you have any problem in Britain, send me an email and I will call my friends to help. You have my word.”(我总是在全世界旅行,很难说我接下来会去哪里。如果你在英国有麻烦,给我发邮件,我会叫我朋友来资助。我保证。)

  “Thank you very much.”婧芝感应很是意外,把纸片拿在手里,微笑致谢。

  “No, my lady,”(不,我的女士) Leo轻轻摆手,“It’s me to say thank you.”(是我该说谢谢你。)

  “You’re welcome.”(不用谢。)婧芝也摆摆手,“Let’s be friends.”(让我们做朋友吧。)

  “No problem.”(没问题。)Leo笑着说,“Don’t be lonely abroad. I’m your friend.”(在外洋不要孑立,我是你的朋友。)

  “I’m your friend, too.” Chris微笑着增补说。

  “OK. I’m leaving. Enjoy your staying in Britain. Good luck.”(好,我要走了。享受你在英国的时光。祝你好运。)


  “He’s a very good man.”(他是一个很是好的人。)Leo离开后,Chris叹息说。他从包里取出一支钢笔和一个玄色条记本,写下他事情室的地址和他的电话号码,撕下来,递给婧芝。

  “This is where I work and my phone number. Just keep in touch.”(这是我事情的地方另有电话号码。保持联系吧。)

  “Thank you. I will.”(谢谢你,我会的。)同样地,婧芝把纸小心收好。

  Chris莞尔一笑,带着商量的语气问,“Would you mind writing your name here, I mean your Chinese name, in Chinese.”(你介意把你的名字写在这里吗,我是说你的中文名字,写中文。)

  “Sure.”(可以。)婧芝拿起桌上的笔,在条记本上写下“陈婧芝”三个字,又在下面尺度了“CHEN JINGZHI”。

  “Here you are.”(这是给你的。)

  婧芝把条记本转了差不多一百八十度,指着“陈婧芝”这三个字解释说,“here, it’s my Chinese name, chen, jing, zhi.”

  “Oh, great!”(哦,很是好!)Chris叹息说,“I am learning Chinese.”(我在学中文了。)


  “I have a plan.”(我有一个计划。)Chris眼中灵光一闪,“I’m working on a recording album. Could you please act as one of my models? It’s not commercial, merely for remembering beauty of human beings. There are hundreds of people in it, from many countries, standing for various sorts of people.”(我正在忙一个纪录专辑。能请你当我的模特吗?那不是商业的,只是纪录人类的美。已经有几百人加入,来自差异的国家,代表差异种族的人。)

  “OK, no problem.”(好啊,没问题。)婧芝没有犹豫,欣然允许Chris的请求。在她看来,Chris这样热心肠资助她的英国人,不会是什么坏人。

  “Thank you so much.”(很是谢谢你。) Chris谢谢地说,“Just let me know when you’re available.”(什么时候有空的时候告诉我。)



  “I’m afraid it’s the time for me to go.”(我恐怕该下车了。)婧芝略带惋惜地说。“It’s very nice to talk with you. Thank you for your kind help today.”(跟你聊天真的很开心。谢谢你今天资助。)

  “It’s my pleasure.”(那是我的荣幸。)Chris微笑着说,“See you later.”(转头见。)

  “See you.”(回见。)婧芝微笑着回覆。

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